Specialized in Digestion, Fertility, Hormonal Balance, Stress/Anxiety & Migraines Acupuncture
NOVA ZEMBLASTRAAT 495 C, 1013 RJ Amsterdam
Tel : 0629048379
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the US, significant amount of studies have proven acupuncture to be very successful with chronic pain. Pain is the No.1 condition why patients are having acupuncture treatments. Its effect works on the frequency and the severity of pain and works also as a preventive measure. Acupuncture activates the central nervous system, releasing neurotransmitters which relax the body and decrease the sensitivity to pain.
Balance Method Acupuncture is a special technique which revolutionized the acupuncture world and is fit for all kinds of body pain. Results are instant and are sustained if followed by subsequent follow up sessions with the necessary frequency.
Elif is a very good acupuncturist. Her treatments work wonders. I have RSI wrist and neck-/shoulder stiffness. Elif has relieved me! Now I am having cosmetic acupuncture. Her approaches are gentle, I feel I am in safe her hands.
Yvonne Tsang